Sábado Julio 27, 2024



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peretto nicola r

Italie – 1992-09-10

Graduate of the Istituto Musicale Pareggiato della Valle d’Aosta (where he was taught by Massimo Baldioli). Currently studying at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Cergy-Pontoise under Jean-Yves Fourmeau.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the Concorso Internazionale di Musica Marco Fiorindo (Nichelino, 2013) and the Concours International Adolphe Sax (L’Haÿ-les-Roses, 2014). Has performed with several string and wind ensembles.

radford jonathan r

Royaume-Uni – 1990-11-20

Graduate of Chetham’s School of Music in Manchester (where he was taught by Andrew Wilson) and of the Royal Schools of Music. Further studies at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Versailles under Vincent David and later at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris under Claude Delangle.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the International Saxophone Competition (Nova Gorica, 2011) and the Concorso Internazionale di Musica Marco Fiorindo (Nichelino, 2013). Supported by a number of British foundations.

su ningxin r

Australie – 1991-08-24

Graduate of Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School (where he was taught by Ian Godfrey) and of the University of Melbourne (where he was taught by Michael Lichnovsky). Further studies at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Montpellier under Philippe Braquart. Currently studying at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Versailles under Vincent David.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the 2nd and 3rd Jean-Marie Londeix International Saxophone Competition (Bangkok, 2008 and 2011), the 20th Gisborne International Music Competition (2008), and the International Saxophone Competition (Nova Gorica, 2013).

tanaka takuya r

Japon – 1987-08-11

Graduate of Tokyo University of the Arts (where he was taught by Hiroshi Hara, Masataka Hirano, and Kazuo Tomioka). Winner of the 25th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition (2008).

trillaud martin r

France – 1987-12-15

First studies at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Bordeaux. Graduated from the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Montpellier. Further studies at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Versailles and later at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris under Claude Delangle.

Erasmus student at the Royal College of Music in London. Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the Concours Européen de Saxophone in Gap (2007), the Concours de Musiques d’Ensemble de la FNAPEC (2011), the Osaka International Chamber Music Competition & Festa (2011), and the Concours International Adolphe Sax (L’Haÿ-les-Roses – 2012).

ueno kohei r

Japon – 1992-07-10

Currently studying at the Tokyo University of the Arts under Hiroshi Hara, Nobuya Sugawa, and Nami Tsurukai).

Impressed in the Japan Wind and Percussion Competition (2011).

zimin nikita r

Russie – 1987-09-27

Graduate of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music (where he was taught by Margarita Shaposhnikova). Currently studying at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris under Claude Delangle.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the Internationaler Aeolus Bläserwettbewerb (Düsseldorf, 2009), the 5th Adolphe Sax International Competition (2nd Laureate, Dinant, 2010), the International Saxophone Competition “The Voice of the Saxophone in the Modern World” (Moscow, 2011), and the Internationaler Solistenwettbewerb Intermusica (Birkfeld, 2013).

arsenijevic nicolas r

France – 1988-11-24

 Graduate of the Conservatoires à Rayonnement Régional in Cergy-Pontoise (taught by Jean- Yves Fourmeau) and Saint-Maur (taught by Nicolas Prost). Further studies at the Conservatoire Municipal Maurice Ravel – Paris e 13 (under Christian Wirth).

Currently studying jazz there under Jean-Charles Richard and also pursuing further studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris under Claude Delangle.

berceau guillaume r

France – 1989-11-16

 After taking courses at the Conservatoires à Rayonnement Régional in Bayonne (under Eric Devallon) and Toulouse (under Philippe Lecocq), went on to further studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris (under Claude Delangle).

Has taken part in several competitions, including the Concours International du Saxophoniste (Nantes, 2008), UFAM (2006), and the Concours de Gap (2006).

compagnon sandro r

France – 1996-10-06

After studying at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Annecy under Christian Charnay and Fabrizio Mancuso, went on to further studies at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Lyons under Jean-Denis Michat.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the Concours Européen de Saxophone in Gap (2006) and ClariSax – Concours Européen de Saxophone et Clarinette (Valenciennes, 2012). Member of the STEM quartet, the Orchestre d’Harmonie du CRR Annecy, and L’Artisanat Furieux, ensemble of the CRR de Lyon.

fateyeva asya r

Germany – 1990-05-09

Studied at the Simferopol School of Music under L.L. Rusanova. Further studies at the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music under Margarita Shaposhnikova.

Graduate of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne (where she was taught by Daniel Gauthier); later studied at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Lyons under Jean- Denis Michat.

Has impressed in several competitions in Kiev, Moscow, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Gap, and Bonn. Performs regularly at numerous festivals (in Dortmund, Paris, Zurich, Moscow, and elsewhere)

garcia bejarano jose carlos r

Espagne – 1989-09-12

Graduate of the Conservatorio Elemental de Música in San José de la Rinconada (where he was taught by Alfonso Padilla). Also studied at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música Cristóbal de Morales in Seville (where he was taught by Miguel Romero and José Maria Gómez). Currently studying at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Lyons under Jean-Denis Michat.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the VI Concurso Nacional de Interpretación Intercentros Melómano (2006), the International Saxophone Competition (Łódź, 2009), ClariSax – Concours Européen de Saxophone et Clarinette (Valenciennes, 2014), and

garcia jorge antonio r

Espagne – 1988-01-15

Graduate of the Conservatorio Superior de Música in Salamanca (where he was taught by Juan Clemente Novo). Further studies at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Versailles under Vincent David and later at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris under Claude Delangle.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the 12th Concurso Internacional de Saxofón (Benidorm – 2010), the Concours International Tous en Scène (Dreux, 2012), the Concurso Nacional de Jóvenes Intérpretes (Toledo, 2012), and the Concorso Internazionale di Musica Marco Fiorindo (Nichelino, 2013).

gricar jan r

Slovénie – 1992-04-15

Graduate of Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory (where he was taught by Dejan Prešiček). Further studies at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana under Matjaž Drevenšek and Miha Rogina. Currently studying at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Versailles under Vincent David.

Has impressed in a number of competitions, including the Saksistra International Saxophone Competition (Koper, 2010), the Concorso Internazionale di Musica Marco Fiorindo (Nichelino, 2011), the International Saxophone Symposium & Competition (Columbus, 2012), and the International Saxophone Competition (Nova Gorica, 2009 and 2013).

louman florent r

France – 1987-12-11

Graduate of the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Toulouse (where he was taught by Philippe Lecocq). Further studies at the Conservatoire

à Rayonnement Régional in Lyons under Jean-Denis Michat. Currently studying for an educational master’s at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris.

Impressed at the Concours National de Musique de Lempdes (2009). Some of his time is devoted to teaching, at the Ecole de Musique Intercommunale Sybémol (Beaujeu), the Union Musicale Villefranche de Rouergue, the Ecole de Musique de la Vallée du Girou, and elsewhere.

matsushita yo r

Japon – 1987-10-29

Graduate of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. Currently studying at Tokyo University of the Arts under Nobuya Sugawa. Has also studied under Hiroshi Hara and Masato Ikegami, among others.

Impressed in the 3rd Jean-Marie Londeix International Saxophone Competition (Bangkok, 2011). Has performed with Pedrosaxo in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Nagoya.

novikov evgeny r

Russie – 1988-01-14

First learned the saxophone at the Novosibirsk Specialized Music School (where he was taught by Andrey Jurygin). Further studies at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Saint-Maur under Nicolas Prost and at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Versailles under Vincent David.

Currently studying at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam under Arno Bornkamp. Impressed in the 5th Adolphe Sax International Competition (6th Laureate, Dinant, 2010) and won the Concours International Tous en Scène (Dreux, 2012).

pellens pieter r

Belgique – 1988-05-11

Graduate of Conservatorium Gent (where he was taught by Raf Minten, Rik Vaneyghen, and Koen Maas). Further studies at the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milan under Mario Marzi and later at the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität under Lars Mlekusch.

Currently studying for a master’s in Contemporary Music at Conservatorium Gent under Tom Pauwels. Has played with several ensembles, including FiveSax, and but so, V.Squad, the Amigo Saxophone Quartet, and the Duo Pieter Pellens–Anastasia Kozhushko.


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